FentAssure™ fentanyl contamination detection kits are precise and easy to use. Sample for fentanyl residue contamination in ANY interior non-porous surface.
All FentAssure™ residue test kits utilize an extremely sensitive immunoassay cassette and a one-of-a-kind buffer to assure positive and negative test results are valid.
FentAssure™ test kits target fentanyl and ten additional fentanyl analogs. Measure fentanyl contamination to the strictest methamphetamine standard of 0.1 ug/100cm2. No fentanyl residue contamination standards have yet been established in the US.
FentAssure™ discrete (test 1 area, get 1 result) instant fentanyl residue test includes:
- Nitrile Gloves
- Template
- Wipe
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Easy to Read Instructions
FentAssure™4 composite (sample 4 areas, get 1 averaged result) instant fentanyl residue detection test includes:
- 4 Templates
- 4 Wipes
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Nitrile Gloves
- Easy to Use Pictorial Instructions
Also purchase FentAssure™ brand kits in bulk packages of 5, 10, and 20.