AccuMeth® methamphetamine detection kits are as easy to use as a pregnancy test. Sample for meth contamination in apartments, homes, workplaces, sheds - ANY suspect, nonporous interior surface.
AccuMeth®0.1 and AccuMeth®0.1,4 target the regulatory standard of 0.1 µg/100cm2; the legal limit for OK, SD, ID, TN, NE, AK, AZ, KY, NC, NM, MN (production sites), HI; OR and AR (0.05) and CO (0.2 screening). Sample for contamination from meth production or methamphetamine use. See " About Instant Kits " to determine the regulatory standard for your state.
Use the AccuMeth®0.1 Combo pack meth test kit to sample 4 surface areas using AccuMeth®0.1,4 kit on interior surfaces for 1 averaged result and then use the single AccuMeth®0.1 meth test kit to sample the heating system's cold air return (or any other suspected "hot spot").
Measure your cassette color to a Line Intensity Card to see your results in a gradient of the 0.1 target standard.
AccuMeth®0.1 discrete (test 1 area, get 1 result) instant methamphetamine residue test includes:
- Nitrile Gloves
- Template
- Wipe
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Line Intensity Card
- Easy to Read Instructions
AccuMeth®0.1,4 composite (sample 4 areas, get 1 averaged result) instant meth residue detection test includes:
- 4 Templates
- 4 Wipes
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Nitrile Gloves
- Line Intensity Card
- Easy to Use Pictorial Instructions
AccuMeth® kits can also be inserted Meth Lab Cleanup ’s Black Box Reader® to get numerical results to within + 0.05 µg of the target standard.
Buy our validated AccuMeth® brand kits in bulk packages of 5, 10, and 20.
Watch our instruction video collection on YouTube or view the videos on our website . Learn how to test for methamphetamine residue the easy way.