Meth Lab Cleanup Company blind-sampled several laboratories offering meth analysis and only MethAssure® samples are analyzed by the lab that came out on top!
Sample 4 areas to get an average result or use 1 of the wipes provided to get a single result. Or, order 2 kits; sample the cold air return of the heat system and then sample 4 other areas within the residence. Use this kit to test for meth contamination from meth use or meth production in properties.
Samples are shipped to an accredited laboratory utilizing the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) modified 9111 method of analysis. Results are available as an email attachment within 2-3 business of receipt.
No other methamphetamine testing kit can beat our turn-around-time or proven quality assurance controls. Buy the methamphetamine testing kit that is used by professionals in the clandestine drug lab decontamination industry.
Choose the MethAssure® kit; sample 4 areas to get an averaged result, or use 1 of the wipes provided to get a single result.
Order 2 kits; sample the cold are return of the heat system and sample 4 other areas within the residence.
Or choose the MethAssure® + AccuMeth® Dual Packs: send 1 sample to the laboratory for testing and use the other to get immediate results on site.
See instruction video on YouTube or Vimeo. Or watch below:
1. How Do You Take Meth Samples Using MethAssure®?
To sample for methamphetamine using MethAssure® just wipe the surface within template then ship samples to the laboratory for testing. See how it works:
1. Wipe Inside Templates![]() |
2. Put Wipes in Tube![]() |
3. Fill Chain of Custody![]() |
4. Ship to Lab![]() |
2. How Do You Read Meth Test Laboratory Results?
To get better results using the MethAssure® methamphetamine test, order 2 kits: sample 4 surfaces within the residence (walls, ceiling, floors) then take 1 sample in the cold air return vent of the heating system. Heating systems will concentrate meth contamination. You will have a better understanding of the level of contamination in a home if you separate the sampling areas.
Certified clandestine drug lab technicians use a MethAssure® kit in every room for a comprehensive assessment of what the residue contamination levels are throughout the property. These levels can vary substantially! Meth contamination does not distribute homogenously.
Complete the Chain of Custody per instruction and then ship the samples with the Chain to the laboratory for testing. The laboratory analyzes the methamphetamine samples using liquid-chromatography/gas spectrometry (LC/MS). You will receive the laboratory results by email within 2-3 business days of the sample arrival at the lab. Here is an example and explanation of a methamphetamine laboratory analysis report:
3. What is Quality Assurance?
It is critical that the laboratory analyzing methamphetamine samples follows strict quality assurance and quality control procedures.
MethAssure® residue test kits are analyzed by an independent laboratory that has been testing methamphetamine samples for over 30 years. Their quality process begins when the sample reaches the lab and does not stop until the results are reported. QA/QC includes Chain of Custody sign-off, equipment calibration, systematic surrogate measurement, standard comparison, monitoring and error prevention.
MethAssure® sample analysis detection levels are as low as 0.000 - non-detection!
No other laboratory analyzed meth test kit can beat MethAssure®!