AccuMeth® methamphetamine detection kits are as easy to use as a pregnancy test. Sample for meth contamination in apartments, homes, workplaces, sheds - ANY suspect, nonporous interior surface.
AccuMeth®0.1 and AccuMeth®0.1,4 target the regulatory standard of 0.1 µg/100cm2; the legal limit for OK, SD, ID, TN, NE, AK, AZ, KY, NC, NM, MN (production sites), HI; OR and AR (0.05) and CO (0.2 screening). Sample for contamination from meth production or methamphetamine use. See "About Instant Kits" to determine the regulatory standard for your state.
Use the AccuMeth®0.1 Combo pack meth test kit to sample 4 surface areas using AccuMeth®0.1,4 kit on interior surfaces for 1 averaged result and then use the single AccuMeth®0.1 meth test kit to sample the heating system's cold air return (or any other suspected "hot spot").
Measure your cassette color to a Line Intensity Card to see your results in a gradient of the 0.1 target standard.
AccuMeth®0.1 discrete (test 1 area, get 1 result) instant methamphetamine residue test includes:
- Nitrile Gloves
- Template
- Wipe
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Line Intensity Card
- Easy to Read Instructions
AccuMeth®0.1,4 composite (sample 4 areas, get 1 averaged result) instant meth residue detection test includes:
- 4 Templates
- 4 Wipes
- Cassette Test Indicator
- Trade Secret Buffer
- Nitrile Gloves
- Line Intensity Card
- Easy to Use Pictorial Instructions
AccuMeth® kits can also be inserted Meth Lab Cleanup’s Black Box Reader® to get numerical results to within + 0.05 µg of the target standard.
Buy our validated AccuMeth® brand kits in bulk packages of 5, 10, and 20.
Watch our instruction video collection on YouTube or view the videos on our website. Learn how to test for methamphetamine residue the easy way.